Wednesday, February 26, 2014

New Tech Tools Transforming Face of Journalism

By Masimba Biriwasha | Global Editor At Large

The digital age is transforming the face of journalism, challenging journalists to tell stories in new and innovative ways.

Today audiences are being bludgeoned by tons of information resulting in limited attention spans. What this means for journalist is they have to present their stories in a manner that not only attracts but keeps attention.

Journalists are increasingly under pressure to learn about new tech tools that are significantly changing the face of the practice and putting power in the hands of audiences to create content.

 "The impact of journalism and technology is its changing the way people engage with information and its a challenge for journalists to learn new techniques and new tools to communicate information," said Professor Ron Yaros, Associate Professor at the University of Maryland's Philip Merrill College of Journalism.

"Anyone can be a journalist now so its not necessarily being at that site, recording information, it's doing it well. It's reporting accurately, producing the best video, getting the word out quickly on Twitter and other social media just being the best possible communicator using the same technology that all citizens are using but as a journalists you have higher standards," said Professor Yaros.


Why Telling Stories in New Ways Matters
Journalism in the digital age is about helping audiences filter through the gazillions of content being produced on a daily basis through high quality, interactive and engaging storytelling.


According to Elizabeth Shell, Data Producer at Newshour, journalism is being fundamentally redesigned based on new tools but the focus remains telling stories. 

“We’re still doing the same basic things, we’re still finding stories. We’re still telling them. We’re still talking to people. We’re still fact based storytellers. But the way we’re telling stories is changing, its much more visual, its much more interactive,” she said. 

“It’s not necessarily just words on a page anymore. We’re experimenting with ways to get folks invested in stories.” 

Why Should Journalists Learn New Tools 
With journalism undergoing a myriad of changes due to the emergence of new technologies, learning new tools can help journalist to better deliver their work in the digital age.

According to David Kaplan, Executive Director of the Global Investigative Journalism Network, new tools are having a transformative effect on investigative journalism.


He referred to new tech tool as the great equalizer, allowing investigative journalists access to more informative than before. 

“We can do so much more, so quickly. We have access to data and documents and people that we never have had before. It would take weeks to get information that we can now get in minutes. Technology is allowing us to get so much more information, to get contact with our colleagues around the world with colleagues around the world to help us on stories. It’s really been transformative,” he said.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

New Tools Change Face of Journalism

What New Tools Are Emerging
The story will focus on how journalism is undergoing a myriad of changes. It will highlight new skills journalists need to learn to cope with the changes.

How New Technology Is Changing Journalism

What New Skills Journalists Should Learn

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Redesigning Journalism in the Digital Age

By Chief K.Masimba Biriwasha | Global Editor At Large | @ChiefKMasimba | February 20, 2014 

Journalism in the digital age is increasingly about helping audiences filter through the gazillions of content being produced on a daily basis through high quality, interactive and engaging storytelling. Thanks to technology, journalism is being reshaped, and stories are being told with greater


Why Telling Stories in Multiple Ways Matters 
By telling a story in multiple ways, journalists provide for multiple audiences to engage with a story in multiple ways thereby expanding the reach and scope of journalism. This can be critical in an age where attention spans are getting shorter due to an overload of information. 

According to Elizabeth Shell, Data Producer at Newshour, journalism is being fundamentally redesigned based on new tools but the focus remains telling stories. 

“We’re still doing the same basic things, we’re still finding stories. We’re still telling them. We’re still talking to people. We’re still fact based storytellers. But the way we’re telling stories is changing, its much more visual, its much more interactive,” she said. 

“It’s not necessarily just words on a page anymore. We’re experimenting with ways to get folks invested in stories.” 

How Journalists Can Learn New Skills 
She added that journalists still need to learn the basic building blocks of storytelling and once they get that, they can explore their passions and increase their skills to help them tell better stories. 

“If you are interested in documentary, then learn how to operate a video camera and learn non linear editing. If you are interested in telling stories via photo just become the best photographer that you can be,” she said. 

“If you are interested in doing interactivity, then you definitely need to learn how to code and that includes HTML, CSS, Javascript, J-Query. There are all sorts of languages out their that you can learn to help you put those together.”

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Journalists Need to Stay Apace With New Tech Tools

Journalists are increasingly under pressure to learn about new tech tools that are significantly changing the face of the practice and putting power in the hands of audiences to create content. But staying apace of emerging technologies is increasingly onerous and can be time wasting.


"The impact of journalism and technology is its changing the way people engage with information and its a challenge for journalists to learn new techniques and new tools to communicate information," said Professor Ron Yaros, Associate Professor at the University of Maryland's Philip Merrill College of Journalism.

Professor Yaros, whose research and teaching focuses on how the next generation of digital users interact with digital information said journalists need to use tech tools to produce high quality content and distribute it with agility.

Why Should Journalists Learn New Tools
With journalism undergoing a myriad of changes due to the emergence of new technologies,  learning new tools can help journalist to better deliver their work in the digital age.
Caption: Professor Ron Yaros teaching a mobile journalism class

"Anyone can be a journalist now so its not necessarily being at that site, recording information, it's doing it well. It's reporting accurately, producing the best video, getting the word out quickly on Twitter and other social media just being the best possible communicator using the same technology that all citizens are using but as a journalists you have higher standards," said Professor Yaros.

Journalists Need to Prioritize Tools, Learn Technique 
However, it is virtually impossible for journalist to adopt all the tools that are cropping like mushrooms in the on a daily basis in the digital space.

For many professional journalists keeping at pace with new tools can be overwhelming especially if you take into account the pressures to produce new content.

"You start with whatever you are comfortable with but then you master those tools so that if you like video for instance you would foes on one or two apps and you practice, practice, practice and get better and find techniques to make sure your video has the best lighting, framing, audio especially," said Professor Yaros.

He added that whereas journalists will just pick up a device and start shooting what is critical is to learn the techniques that are unique to particular devices.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Ted Crews

Monday, February 10, 2014

Mobile Project Story Ideas

New Tech Tools Change Face of Journalism
Idea One: I will produce a story on the impact of new tech tools on journalism. The story will focus on how journalism is undergoing a myriad of changes. For the story, I will interview an expert at the Phillip Merill School of Journalism, the editor of the American Journalism Review, a digital journalist and an executive with, a company based at in DC.

Studying in America
Idea Two: I will produce a story on the experience of a foreign student at a US college. The story will explore how foreign students adapt and cope with learning at a US college system. I will interview students in the Hubert H. Humphrey program at UMD on their experiences. I will also interview the director of the program.